Energy Comparison: Compare Gas & Electricity Prices - Uswitch - Uswitch (2024)

Table of Contents
Switch energy in minutes Why switch energy? How to compare energy prices Enter your postcode above Compare energy deals Confirm your switch What should I look for when comparing energy deals? Can I compare gas and electricity deals individually? Can I get a green energy deal with Uswitch? Which fixed energy deals are currently available through Uswitch? What should I look for when comparing energy suppliers? What type of energy tariff is best for me? Fixed rate tariff Standard variable tariff Dual fuel tariff Renewable energy tariff Prepayment tariff Time-of-use tariff Looking for a specific type of energy? Electricity-only energy deals Gas-only energy deals Dual fuel energy deals Green energy deals Should I switch energy now? What should I consider when I switch energy? “Today I used Uswitch Android App to switch my electricity and gas provider. The process could not have been simpler! From start to finish it took me less than five minutes and I saved (projected savings) just over £212 on my annual costs of gas and electricity! Thank you so very much Uswitch!!!” Why are energy prices so high? Will energy prices go up or down in the next few months? What is the energy price cap? What is the Energy Price Guarantee? Find out more about the energy market Be the first to know about new energy deals Control your energy with our free app, Utrack How to save on your energy bills at home Reduce shower time to four minutes Use an air fryer instead of an oven Reduce dishwasher use by one run per week Wash clothes at lower temperatures Dry clothes outside (if possible) Use LED lightbulbs in the garden Find out more about saving on energy bills Save money on your business energy Frequently asked questions Energy prices Why are my energy bills so high? How can I get a cheap gas and electricity deal? Will the price cap cut my energy bills? Which is the cheapest energy supplier? Which is the best energy supplier? How often do energy prices change? How to switch energy How long will it take to switch energy? Do I need to cancel my Direct Debit when I switch? Will my gas and electricity be interrupted if I switch? Can I switch energy supplier if I owe my current supplier money? I'm moving home. How do I switch gas and electricity? How do I compare energy prices? What information do I need to switch energy supplier? Can I switch energy supplier if I rent? What if I want to compare gas and electricity prices separately? What happens when I switch? Can I switch to the same energy supplier? Types of energy What is a dual fuel tariff? How do I get a green energy deal? Can I switch energy if I have a prepayment meter? What is the best type of energy tariff? References

Switch energy in minutes

The price cap is now £1,568 until 30 September - a new two-year low for energy prices. If you're on a standard variable tariff, this is a great time to switch to a fixed deal.Run an energy comparison to see fixed energy deals that are currently available.

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Energy Comparison: Compare Gas & Electricity Prices - Uswitch - Uswitch (2)

Looking to switch energy?

Sign up for exclusive flash energy offers

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Why switch energy?

The main reason to switch energy is to find a cheaper deal than the oneyou’recurrently on.Thishasn’tbeen easy in the past couple of years because of the wholesale energy market crisis causing high prices. As the market stabilises, though, suppliers have started offering affordable fixed energy deals again. You may still wish to stay on a standard variable tariff if you're on one. But if you want certainty over whatyou’repaying, run an energy comparison now to see what you could switch to.

How to compare energy prices

Comparing energy prices on Uswitch couldn’t be easier. The process only takes a few minutes and could help you save.

Energy Comparison: Compare Gas & Electricity Prices - Uswitch - Uswitch (4)

Enter your postcode above

You might also need to add a couple of details about your plan, so it might help to have a bill to hand.

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Compare energy deals

The deals currently available on Uswitch will appear in the results table, along with their estimated annual costs which are based on your usage details.

Energy Comparison: Compare Gas & Electricity Prices - Uswitch - Uswitch (6)

Confirm your switch

Once you've found a deal you'd like to switch to, confirm your switch and we'll do the rest! Your switch should be completed within five days.

What should I look for when comparing energy deals?

When comparing energy deals, the annual price of the different deals may be the main thing toconsidergiven the current state of the market.

Other areas might beimportantto you, such as whether a deal uses renewable energy. Energy comparison sites like Uswitch help you quickly compare energy deals that work for you and handle the energy switch on your behalf.

Can I compare gas and electricity deals individually?

Those who usebothgas and electricity may preferto compareenergy prices for individualfuels,as opposed tocombining them in one deal.Thiscan sometimeswork out cheaper than a dual fuel dealdependingon the supplier.You can do this on the results table by using the filters provided.

Can I get a green energy deal with Uswitch?

Ifyou’relookingto switch energy to a greener option, look out for our Green Accreditation badges on the results table.

Our independent panel rates every green deal as either Bronze, Silver or Gold.Thisdepends on how‘green’thedealis and anywidersustainable causes that suppliers are involved in. Clicking on a specific deal will tell you whyit’sbeen givenits rating.

Which fixed energy deals are currently available through Uswitch?

As the energy switching market returns, more fixed deals are now available on our website. Compare energy today to see personalised costs for you.

Energy Comparison: Compare Gas & Electricity Prices - Uswitch - Uswitch (7)

1. EDF Ensure Jul25

Estimated monthly cost


Estimated annual cost


Energy Comparison: Compare Gas & Electricity Prices - Uswitch - Uswitch (8)

2. 1 Year Fixed Loyalty 27 June 2024

Estimated monthly cost


Estimated annual cost


Energy Comparison: Compare Gas & Electricity Prices - Uswitch - Uswitch (9)

3. Super Fix'd 12m Jul-24 v2.0

Estimated monthly cost


Estimated annual cost


Energy Comparison: Compare Gas & Electricity Prices - Uswitch - Uswitch (10)

4. EDF Essentials 1Yr Jul25v3

Estimated monthly cost


Estimated annual cost


Energy Comparison: Compare Gas & Electricity Prices - Uswitch - Uswitch (11)

5. 2 Year Fixed 11 July 2024

Estimated monthly cost


Estimated annual cost


Energy Comparison: Compare Gas & Electricity Prices - Uswitch - Uswitch (12)

6. So Poppy One Year - Green

Estimated monthly cost


Estimated annual cost


Energy Comparison: Compare Gas & Electricity Prices - Uswitch - Uswitch (13)

7. Exclusive Spring 100% Green 24M July 26

Estimated monthly cost


Estimated annual cost


Costs are based on average bill sizes for a medium energy user on a dual fuel plan paying by monthly direct debit, and averaged across all regions. This is updated hourly with energy plans which are available to switch to through Uswitch.

See how these energy deals stack up for you

In just a few minutes, you can compare our latest energy deals and any savings you could make.

Energy Comparison: Compare Gas & Electricity Prices - Uswitch - Uswitch (14)

What should I look for when comparing energy suppliers?

Historically, many customershaven’tbeen concerned with comparing different energy suppliers. The annual cost of the deal is more important to them.

However, with cheap energy suppliers in short supply and many smaller suppliers dropping out of the marketin recent years, customers are nowasking“which energy supplier is best for me?”.

For instance, those who want to switch energy might feel more comfortable with an established energy supplier. Also, energysuppliers’customer service could be akeypoint to consider, somake sure youcheck out differentcompanies’reputations if this isan importantelement for you. Some suppliers may also have perks and rewards for customers, which you may feel would be worth looking into.

Also,keep in mindthat some energy switching options may be limited to existing customers, so there may not be as much choice asyou’dexpect.

What type of energy tariff is best for me?

Fixed rate tariff

Fixed rate tariffs have fixed unit rates and standing charges for the duration of the contract. This means they’re not affected by wholesale market or price cap changes, so you have price certainty during your contract.

Find out more about fixed rate tariffs

Standard variable tariff

Standard variable tariffs are traditionally the most expensive tariff type, though this has changed in the past few years. They're capped by the price cap, which means that if the price cap increases, so do your unit rates.

Find out more about standard variable tariffs

Dual fuel tariff

Dual fuel tariffs allow you to get gas and electricity from the same supplier, which can work out cheaply. It's worth comparing dual fuel deals and separate gas and electricity deals to work out the best option for you.

Find out more about dual fuel tariffs

Renewable energy tariff

Green energy is increasingly common. Most suppliers now offer tariffs that feature electricity generated from renewable sources (though renewable gas is more difficult to achieve). Use table filters to see green deals when you compare.

Find out more about green energy tariffs

Prepayment tariff

Prepayment tariffs require energy to be bought in advance and topped up via your meter. This is often more expensive than being on a credit meter. Suppliers usually offer at least one prepayment tariff.

Find out more about prepayment energy

Time-of-use tariff

Time-of-use tariffs such as Economy 7 offer multiple unit rates for day and night-time use, with night-time use usually being significantly cheaper than day-time use. This can be good for EV owners with home chargers.

Find out more about time-of-use tariffs

Looking for a specific type of energy?

Energy Comparison: Compare Gas & Electricity Prices - Uswitch - Uswitch (15)

Electricity-only energy deals

Find out more about electricity-only energy

Energy Comparison: Compare Gas & Electricity Prices - Uswitch - Uswitch (16)

Gas-only energy deals

Find out more about gas-only energy

Energy Comparison: Compare Gas & Electricity Prices - Uswitch - Uswitch (17)

Dual fuel energy deals

Find out more about dual fuel energy

Energy Comparison: Compare Gas & Electricity Prices - Uswitch - Uswitch (18)

Green energy deals

Find out more about green energy

Should I switch energy now?

With the price cap at a two-year low and fixed deals returning to the market, you may be able to switch energy. The potential average savingsyou may seeagainst the price cap are about the highestthey'vebeen since before the energy market crash. The price capis predictedto decrease again in the summer, soit'shard to predict whether fixing now or sticking with a standard variable tariff will save you money in the long run.

If youcan'tsee a dealthat'sright for you yet,make sure yousign up to be switch-ready and hear about our exclusive flash energy offers.

What should I consider when I switch energy?

  • Do consider exit fees

    You may change your mind about your fixed deal and want to switch. If this happens after your 14-day cooling-off period, you might have to pay an exit fee. Not all tariffs have them but most do, so make sure you know whether yours does.

  • Do consider the length of the deal

    Most deals are for 12 or 24 months. During this time the price cap could rise or fall depending on market conditions, so consider how long you would like to stay locked in for.

  • Do stay informed

    Keep a close eye on the market and run regular comparisons to see what deals are on offer. If you sign up for alerts, you can stay close to what’s happening in the energy market and find out when a good deal comes along.

  • Don't get a deal you can't afford

    Make sure you can afford the deal you choose and don’t rush into one that you'll struggle to pay for.

  • Don’t just look at the direct debit amount

    The price you pay through Direct Debit each month is usually based on your estimated energy usage over a year. This may not be the actual cost. Make sure you look at the unit rate and standing charge to work out how much you will be charged for your energy usage. You can also see how it differs from what you’re paying now.

    Find out more about fixing your energy deal here.

  • “Today I used Uswitch Android App to switch my electricity and gas provider. The process could not have been simpler! From start to finish it took me less than five minutes and I saved (projected savings) just over £212 on my annual costs of gas and electricity! Thank you so very much Uswitch!!!”

    Virendra Nirmal

    9 May 2024


    Energy Comparison: Compare Gas & Electricity Prices - Uswitch - Uswitch (19)

    Why are energy prices so high?

    Wholesale gas prices significantly increased in September 2021.This was because of various factors puttingpressure on supply and demand.Thiscaused a knock-on increase tocustomers’energy prices, which also increased via theenergy price cap.

    Prices have since come down and allowed energy suppliers to bring new energy deals back to the market, but energy bills are still high compared to pre-crisis.

    Will energy prices go up or down in the next few months?

    It's difficult to predict what will happen to energy prices in the next few months. While the price cap has dropped to a two-year low,Cornwall Insight, the energy analyst, says that the next price cap (to be announced in August 2024) could rise again slightly. The situation could change quickly, though, so keep an eye on market news if you're thinking of switching.

    You can see the latest predictions below.

    Price cap levelAnnual energy cost for an average usage medium-sized household paying by Direct Debit
    1 July to 30 September 2023£1,976
    1 October to 31 December 2023£1,834
    1 October to 31 December 2023£1,834
    1 April to 30 June 2024£1,690
    1 July to 30 September 2024£1,568
    Predicted energy price cap (1 October to 31 December 2024)£1,723

    What is the energy price cap?

    The energy price cap is a limit on the unit rates and standing charges that energy suppliers can charge for their standard variable tariffs. The cap is set by the UK’s energy regulator,Ofgem, four times a year.

    From 1 July to 30 September, the price cap is set at:

    • £1,568 for an average use dual fuel household paying by Direct Debit
    • £1,522 for those with a prepayment meter.

    The cap applies to unit rates - that's the actual price that’s changing. But to more clearly report it to customers, the annual figure is based on an average use dual fuel customer paying by direct debit. Always remember that you could pay more than the cap if you live in a bigger house or use more energy. You could also pay less if you use less.

    What is the Energy Price Guarantee?

    TheEnergy Price Guaranteewas introduced by the government as a response to the high price cap announced by Ofgem in August 2022. It froze the price cap at £2,500 until July 2023, when the price cap fell below that limit.

    The EPG ran in the background until April 2024 at a higher level of £3,000.Thismeant that the price cap would need to be forecast higher than £3,000 per year for an average household for the EPG to come into effect again. However, the government has now withdrawn it as a policy, so it is no longer in effectat all, regardless of the price cap level.

    Find out more about the energy market

    Energy Comparison: Compare Gas & Electricity Prices - Uswitch - Uswitch (20)

    What is the energy price cap?

    Information on the energy price cap set by Ofgem at a level of £1,568 for standard variabl ..

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    "A good range of fixed deals are back on the market but, if you're interested in signing up to one, it's important to check all the details before you commit. When you compare energy with Uswitch you can see all the information you need to judge whether a new deal could work for you, including unit rates, daily standing charges and exit fees."

    Energy Comparison: Compare Gas & Electricity Prices - Uswitch - Uswitch (23)

    Ben Gallizzi

    , Uswitch Energy Expert

    Be the first to know about new energy deals

    We've recently offered our switch-ready customers exclusive fixed deals from big suppliers such as EDF.

    Energy Comparison: Compare Gas & Electricity Prices - Uswitch - Uswitch (24)

    Control your energy with our free app, Utrack

    Utrack is a free mobile app that connects to your smart meter and can help you track your home energy usage.

    You can get:

    • Detailed insights about energy usage throughout your home
    • Daily, weekly, monthly and yearly reports and data
    • Energy-saving tips and advice.
    Explore Utrack

    How to save on your energy bills at home

    As well as switching your energy deal, you can also help to reduce your bills by using less energy around the home. Here are six things you can do this summer:


    Reduce shower time to four minutes

    Taking four-minute showers will mean you use less water and less energy is used heating the water. It could save £55 per year.


    Use an air fryer instead of an oven

    Air fryers use less energy than an oven, so if you have one, use it as much as possible to save energy.


    Reduce dishwasher use by one run per week

    If you have a dishwasher, try to use it less. Reducing usage by one run per week could save £12 per year.


    Wash clothes at lower temperatures

    You should only need to wash clothes at 30 degrees rather than 40. Doing this could save £24 per year.


    Dry clothes outside (if possible)

    If you have outside space, you can save energy by air-drying clothes rather than using a tumble dryer.


    Use LED lightbulbs in the garden

    If you spend your evenings in the garden, swap halogen bulbs for LEDs. Each bulb swapped could save you £3-4 per year.

    Find out more about saving on energy bills

    Energy Comparison: Compare Gas & Electricity Prices - Uswitch - Uswitch (25)

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    Save money on your business energy

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    Compare business energy

    Frequently asked questions

    Energy prices

    Why are my energy bills so high?

    Energy bills are high becauseof various factors that have caused the price of wholesale energyto rocket.Thismeans it costs energy suppliers more to buy the energy they supply to customers, so they have to charge customers moreso they canafford their own costs.

    While limited fixed deals are beginning to return to the market, they may not berightfor you to switch toyet. Consider your options andtake alook at our guide to fixing energy deals for more information.

    One way to reduce the amount you pay for your energy is to track how muchyou'reusing. Check that your billis basedon actual readings of your gas and electricity meters rather than estimated ones.It’simportantto take your own readingsso that youget charged accurately.

    Or you could consider getting asmart meter, which provides real-time meter readings and can help you track your energy usage. You can request one from your supplier or switch to a smart meter tariff.

    How can I get a cheap gas and electricity deal?

    It'sgoing to be difficult, given the current state of the energy market, for many customers to find a cheap gas and electricity deal. Energy prices have risenby a significant amount, with deals a lot more expensive than they were a few years ago.

    A standard variable tariff,whichiscappedat £1,568 from 1 July to 30 September, may be the cheapest dealavailablefor many customers.But some fixed deals could offer price certainty. Consider your options carefullyand.

    Will the price cap cut my energy bills?

    Sincetheprice capwas introduced,it'sfair to say that ithasn'thelped cutpeople'senergy bills.The standard variable tariffs it applies to havestillbeen the most expensive on the market, especially when compared to fixed deals.

    While energy prices have been extremely high for the past two years, they are lower than they have been.Thishas allowed Ofgem to drop the cap level twice in a row. Butit’simportant to remember that this is a cap on the unit rate of the energy you use, not a cap on your total bill. The less energy you use, the lessyou’llpay. You can still save money by managing your energy usage.

    Thismeans that suppliers are starting to offer limited numbers of fixed energy deals to customers again,allowing them to potentially move away from being governed by the price cap.Thismay not be the right move for everyone, though.

    Which is the cheapest energy supplier?

    The cheapest gas and electricitysuppliercould be different for everyone. It depends on factors like usage, your current deal and where you live. When comparing energy deals, be as accurate as possible with your information so we can find the cheapest supplier for you.

    Which is the best energy supplier?

    The best gas and electricity supplier for you won’t necessarily be the same as the best supplier for your neighbour. It depends on what's important to you in a supplier. You can use Uswitch to filter deals by factors other than price, like green energy.

    How often do energy prices change?

    Energy prices can change every day as they reflect the market news. If you're on a variable plan, your rates will probably change throughout the year. They'll currently be at £1,568 until the end of September and then potentially rise slightly in the autumn.

    On a fixed plan, your rates will stay the same during the fixed period.

    How to switch energy

    How long will it take to switch energy?

    Most of the UK’s energy suppliers are signed up to the Energy Switch Guarantee. This guarantees that the supplier you’re switching to will complete the process and that it will be done within five days.

    There’s also a two-week ‘cooling-off’ period, during which you can cancel the switch free of charge.

    Do I need to cancel my Direct Debit when I switch?

    There’s no need to get in touch with your old supplier once you’ve made your energy switch. Once it’s been told of your switch, the supplier should send a final bill and close your old account once you’ve paid any outstanding amount.

    While there’s no need to cancel your Direct Debit, you can do this through your bank if you want to be more confident you won’t still be charged. Just remember to settle your final bill first.

    Will my gas and electricity be interrupted if I switch?

    Your gas and electricity won’t be interrupted at any time. Even if your supplier goes out of business and you’re transferred to another supplier, the lights and heating will stay on.

    Most energy suppliers are signed up to the Energy Switch Guarantee, which requires switching to be reliable and hassle-free. With that in mind, any problems involving the interruption of your supply are extremely unlikely.

    Can I switch energy supplier if I owe my current supplier money?

    You can switch energy supplier if you’ve been in debt for fewer than 28 days - the money you owe will be added to your final bill. If you’ve been in debt for longer, you probably won’t be able to switch until you’ve settled that debt (unless the supplier’s billed you incorrectly).

    If you’re on a prepayment meter, you can switch as long as the debt to your current supplier is less than £500.

    I'm moving home. How do I switch gas and electricity?

    If you’re moving and you want to take your current deal with you, let your provider know - depending on where you’re moving to, you may be able to take it with you. If not, you’refree to switch away from the default supplier at your new property in the normal way.

    One thing to remember to do is take a meter reading on the day you move out, and take another one at the new property when you move in. This will ensure you’re only paying for what you use.

    How do I compare energy prices?

    You can compare energy prices by providing your postcode and usage details (starting with the postcode entry box at the top of this page). We'll show you deals available in your area along with the estimated savings based on your current usage.

    What information do I need to switch energy supplier?

    To switch energy supplier, you’ll only need your address. Uswitch will collect your usage data and current supplier from your address details.

    Can I switch energy supplier if I rent?

    You can usuallyswitch energy supplier if you’re a renterwho pays the energy bills. If the landlord pays the energy bills, you’ll need to get their permission.

    What if I want to compare gas and electricity prices separately?

    If you want to only seegas dealsorelectricity deals, you can filter available tariffs on our results table.

    What happens when I switch?

    When you confirm your switch, you’ll get an email from your chosen supplier within a day or two to let you know that it’s going ahead. Once it’s completed you’ll get another email letting you know that you’re officially getting your energy from your new supplier. Your supply won’t be cut off at any point, so you can sit back and relax.

    Can I switch to the same energy supplier?

    If you don’t want to switch energy supplier, you still might be able to find a cheap gas and electricity deal with Uswitch.

    If you haven’t switched energy before, it’s likely you’re on your provider’s standard variable tariff, which is typically the most expensive tariff. You can use Uswitch to compare energy deals from your current provider if you’re happy with the service but want to save on your energy bills.

    Types of energy

    What is a dual fuel tariff?

    Adual fuel tariffis an energy tariff that combines electricity and gas from the same supplier, so you only need one energy tariff. Not only can this work out cheaper than getting two fuels from different suppliers, but it also reduces admin on your end. You’ll only have one bill to pay, one number to call if you need customer service, and so on.

    How do I get a green energy deal?

    Green energyhas become more available in recent years, and most suppliers now offer at least one renewable or green energy plan. We’ll highlight green plans in your energy comparison results, and you can even filter your results to show only green energy plans.

    Can I switch energy if I have a prepayment meter?

    Yes, you can switch energy if you’re on aprepayment meter. Just select ‘Prepayment meter’ when you’re asked how you pay your energy bills. You can tell you’re on a prepayment meter if you pay in advance with a smart card, token or key. You’re also allowed to switch away from using a prepayment meter byreplacing it with a credit meter.

    What is the best type of energy tariff?

    The best type of energy tariff for someone else won’t always be the right one for you. The most important thing to think about is whether you want a dual fuel deal or whether you want single fuel deals from two different suppliers.

    There will be prices to consider, as well as the reputation and size of different suppliers. Think about what’s most important to you and make your decision based on that.

    Energy Comparison: Compare Gas & Electricity Prices - Uswitch - Uswitch (29)

    Energy Comparison: Compare Gas & Electricity Prices - Uswitch - Uswitch (30)

    Energy Comparison: Compare Gas & Electricity Prices - Uswitch - Uswitch (2024)


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    Article information

    Author: Laurine Ryan

    Last Updated:

    Views: 6419

    Rating: 4.7 / 5 (77 voted)

    Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Laurine Ryan

    Birthday: 1994-12-23

    Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

    Phone: +2366831109631

    Job: Sales Producer

    Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

    Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.